Sunora Llamas conifer tree shadow

Susan Baldwin ~ Dallas, Oregon

The Herd

Spring 2014

Herd 2014 | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas Herd 2014 | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas Herd 2014 | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas

Mira ~ Grace ~ Zoe ~ Annapurna

Mira | Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas

Om Kali's Mira
ILR # 167247
DOB 5-21-1996
co-owned by Niki Kuklenski

Mira | Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas

Mira is a superior mama llama and I am very fortunate to have her on the farm. She became the foundation of my breeding program by default. Mira needed a new home at a time when I was having difficulty with my other dams. She is very large with great conformation & the double classic coat. She had already had several cria and continued to produce for me - 4 outstanding offspring. The first 3 were large males that were sold for packing. Finally a girl, Annapurna, was born in the fall of 2013. Mira bred easily, had uncomplicated pregnancies with afternoon births, produced lots of milk, and seemed to enjoy being a mom. She is very independent and when she came to live with me she was not interested in doing stuff with people anymore - just wanted to hang out in the pasture and make great babies. A perfect win - win situation for all.
She is now the herd matriarch at 18 and is a very vigorous, healthy llama.

Offspring of Mira

Boulder | Male Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Rainier | Male Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Journey | Male Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Annapurna | Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas

Boulder ~ dob 5-21-2008

Rainier ~ dob 6-10-2009

Journey ~ dob 3-23-2011

Annapurna ~ dob 8-5-2013

Photo Gallery: Mira giving birth to Journey
Warning: photo content is graphic - it is a “Birth”!

Annapurna | Female Cria from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas herd

Sunora’s Annapurna
DOB: August 5, 2013
ILR# 286377
CTL Sulu ~ ILR # 128896
Om Kali’s Mira ~ ILR # 167247

Female Cria from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas herd - Annapurna
Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas - Annapurna

Annapurna was a healthy 34 pounds at birth & was the 4th outstanding cria her mom Om Kali’s Mira has produced for Sunora Farm. Annapurna is a carbon copy of her mom - solid dark brown with the double classic coat. Her sire came off a commercial pack string and his sire was a PTLA Master Packer. Annapurna has great conformation & should be tall and robust at maturity. She has a calm personality, is comfortable around people and is quick to learn new tasks. I enjoy working with her & watching her play with her pasture mate Grace who is 6 weeks younger. Annapurna will be a great addition to a classic llama breeding program.

Zoe | Female Cria from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas herd

Sunora’s Zoë
DOB: June 1, 2009
ILR# 279013
Sky Rocket ~ ILR # 103925
Snake River Molly ~ ILR # 134513

Female Cria from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas herd - Zoe
Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas - Zoe

Sunora’s Zoe arrived on her due date, a healthy 25 pounds, the first of June 2009. She was a long awaited cria from my first classic llama Molly. Molly had experienced breeding difficulties & finally produced a cria for me. Then disaster struck - mom developed mastitis and became very sick. They both spent 5 days at OSU Veterinary hospital while mom received treatment. OSU saved Molly’s life with fancy medical equipment - Molly saved Zoe’s life with her strong maternal instincts. Zoe also had an umbilical hernia which required her to wear a belt for a couple of months - a minor annoyance after all she had been through. She remained small her first year, but by three had matured into the solid body type of her packer father, with the double coat that sheds and brushes out easily.

Zoe is very curious, enjoys people and having adventures. She spent her youth playing with me, learning tricks, going to shows, & hiking trails. We had lots of fun together until she was old enough to breed and it was time for her to go to work. Her maiden breeding was to Anders Tobias - owned by JNK Llamas, a strong working classic llama. Her pregnancy was uncomplicated & her daughter was born on the autumn equinox - September 22, 2013. We named her Grace after my granddaughter who was visiting the farm. Zoe is a great mom with lots of milk & she is attentive but not overly protective. Grandmother Molly was still with us when Zoe gave birth - it was special to have 3 generations of beautiful classic llamas in my pasture.

Grace | Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas herd - head shot

Sunora’s Grace
DOB: September 22, 2013
ILR# 286376
Anders Tobias ~ ILR # 139844
Sunora’s Zoe ~ ILR # 279013

Nolly | Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas herd - body shot
Female Llama from Sunora Farm Classic Llamas - Grace

When Sunora’s Grace was born she became the third generation living on the farm, until grandma Molly passed away when she was 4 months old. Grace’s mom Zoe is an excellent first time mom with plenty of milk & super nurturing skills. Grace is the result of 2 outstanding bloodlines. Her sire, Toby, is a PTLA Master Packer, ALSA Halter Champion and produced national champions & therapy llamas. Her grandsire, Sky Rocket, was also a PTLA Master Packer. She is full of potential and will be a great addition to a classic llama breeding program. She should be of medium size when full grown with the double classic coat like her parents. She is very precocious and named after my granddaughter who was visiting when she was born.

Over the Rainbow Bridge


Molly | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Molly | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Molly | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Molly | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas

Molly was the first llama I purchased for my classic breeding program, she was tall & elegant with a sweet personality. She had already produced outstanding offspring at her previous home - just what I wanted as a foundation dam. Unfortunately it took multiple breeding’s, with different studs, over many years for Molly to conceive again. Finally in June 2009 she gave birth to a healthy girl - Zoe. Both were doing well until Molly developed mastitis and became a very sick llama. I am grateful that Oregon State Veterinary Hospital is a local resource for llama owners - they definitely saved her life. Amazingly she nursed ZoĆ« during all of her medical treatments and continued longer than normal - maybe she knew this would be her last baby. She never fully recovered and was frail the rest of her life. She wore a coat in the cold months and ate special food but enjoyed her last 5 years as queen of the pasture.

It was particularly rewarding when her granddaughter Grace was born and I had 3 generations of this special bloodline in my pasture. Molly was almost 20 when she passed away on a warm spring day in February 2014 surrounded by her family. She was truly a grand dam of a llama.

Earligold & Velarde

Earligold | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Earligold | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Velarde | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas
Earligold and Velarde | Sunora Farm Classic Llamas

Home Town Parade



The boys together

Earligold & Velarde came to Sunora Farm in 2000 as weanlings. Vanora selected Earligold from a large herd because he came right up to her asking for a kiss, he wasn't being pushy, just wanted her to pick him. Velarde was acquired as his companion and they were inseparable until they passed away in early 2013. Vanora spent many hours with them while she was growing up. She enjoyed training them, making costumes, going to shows, 4H events, parades, and packing in the mountains. They were wonderful additions to our herd and are greatly missed.

Sunora Farm Classic Llamas Logo in shadow

©2014 Sunora Llamas.
All Rights Reserved

Updated March 2014