Family Gathering

Family Gathering

Fatou Dibba with Grandson Alieu

My host mother, Fatou Dibba, was very excited to have her family together for the 2018 Gamo in Farafenni. Relatives from Kombo began arriving on Thursday, to be here for Friday prayers, and the Gamo on Saturday April 7. Gamo is an annual event that brings together Muslims from all walks of life for religious discourse and prayers. Huge crowds gather at Mosques to listen to recitations of the Holy Quran and there are teachings by Imams and scholars. My host family is very devout, adhering to the five daily prayer times, and it was fascinating to observe how they celebrated this important event.

Beautiful Women & Dudu Hiding From the Camera
Brothers Dudu & Ousman with Cousin Sheikh

About fifteen family members from Kombo stayed in the compound, and for the next ten days local family and friends came to visit. Prior to everyone’s arrival new clothes were tailored, then washed and ironed in preparation for Saturday’s festivities. Huge pots of rice and other special foods were prepared to share with all of the visitors, and the compound was a very busy place. It was reminiscent of the family gatherings we had when I was a child. Often the reason was for a religious event – Christmas or Easter – but the coming together of relatives from far and near, wearing fancy new clothes, eating special foods, and taking family photos really strengthened our family ties.

Sharing Meals
Group of Girls Going to the Market

One son needed to return to his job in Kombo after only four days, but not before he harvested mangoes to take with him. They use a long pole to knock them out of the tree when they are still hard and unripe and won’t get damaged with the fall. It only takes a few days for them to ripen before they are ready to eat, and now the kids are constantly snacking on mangoes.

Knocking Mangoes Out of the Our Huge Tree
Delicious Ripe Mangoes
Dudu Enjoying a Mango

Fatou Dibba was delighted to be surrounded by her children and grandchildren, enjoying being the matriarch of her family. A great time was had by everyone, relaxing on  the benteno, staying up late into the night chatting, then rising at dawn to take care of the daily chores of cooking, cleaning , doing laundry, and caring for the children. Gambians love their music and several times the women spontaneously broke out into a riotous dance.

Spontaneous African Dancing
Hanging Out on the Benteno – with Smart Phones in Hands

It is such a blessing to be part of this compound, they are charismatic people, sharing their lives with me. They are very gracious to allow me to take photos of their family activities, and include me when appropriate. I couldn’t ask for a better location to live as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

Sweet Ida

3 thoughts on “Family Gathering

  1. Thank you Susan. I took a couple of hours up catch up on all of your blogs. They are educational, beautiful and inspiring!

  2. Sticky sweet mango dripping in the hot sun plus dancing, I’ll be right over 🙂
    Glad to be experiencing it from California and enjoy your journey. Thanks for sharing!

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